In my dream last night, I was at a party. A guitar-playing hippie was encouraging me to find a drum that worked for me. I woke up thinking, "I will bang on drums until I find one that resonates!"
As entrepreneurs, we sometimes find ourselves in a rut. The work that fired us up when we started, has become dull and uninspired. Pretty soon, you feel like you are punching a time clock.
Steve Jobs famously said, "If I find myself not liking what I'm doing more than a few days, I stop - and go do something else." Some find Jobs' attitude impratical and somewhat arrogant, but his allegiance to his in-born passion is undeniable.
So how do you find a drum that provides the perfect "thump thump thump" for you?
Here are five ways to bang on some new drums:
1) Explore new meetups. Let yourself dream. Sure you can find meetups for entrepreneurs ... but why not explore something out of your comfort zone? Perhaps a meetup on the Art of Happiness, Tai Chi, Death Cafes, Dessert Fantasies or Robotics would catch your fancy?
2) Exercise the other side of our brain. If you are a logical geek, try painting. If you are an artist, spend some time building a plan. A great book that covers this topic is "How to Think Like Leonardo DaVinci". Author Michael Gelb walks us through boatload of exercises inspired by the work of brilliance Renaissance man Da Vinci.
3) Watch some new ideas - watch some of those YouTube videos or TED videos that your friends have been sharing. Need some ideas? Check out Time Magazine's list of best YouTube videos.
4) Create a list of your strengths and gifts. Wake up your alter-ego. Imagine if you were air-dropped into a commune of the future, what job would you take up? Need some insight on your personal strengths? Check out our blog post on discovering your Sweet Spot.
5) Tap into your inner self and let meditation show the way. This 10 minute meditation on YouTube can help you find your future self.
Let us know what kinds of drum you are trying!
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