During the week our schedules fill-up with appointments, which sometimes forces us to put our social media strategy at the bottom of our to-do list. Due to this unfortunate occurrence, our social media presence suffers, since of the main ideas behind social media is that you are updating users in real-time. However, the majority of small businesses do not have the capacity to contiously update users with enough content to effectively provide engaging updates. Scheduling your tweets weekly is one way to provide you with a safety net.
Scheduling your tweets can be accomplished through social media management tools like Hootsuite or TweetDeck. By scheduling your tweets weekly, you allow yourself to put together a small social media schedule for the week ahead. Plan a well thought out tweet for Easter, instead of waiting until the day of the holiday.
Not only does scheduling tweets plan your week out, so that you can cross-link it with your overall marketing plan, but it also provides you with filler tweets. Filler tweets are scheduled tweets that act as fillers between your real-time tweets. When your schedule fills-up, these tweets will act as your safety net by publishing themselves, without your having to do anything, besides setting the tweets up ahead of time.
Scheduling your tweets will assist you with your social media presence by providing you with a safety net, while you are busy. However, always remember that your safety net can only save you so many times. Social media is a real-time commitment, which is what makes it different from your typical static webpage.
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