If you want your Website to rank high on major search engines such as Google, your best shot is to develop a list of targeted keywords and then build specific WebPages with content focusing on these keywords. SEO is done best before the Webpage is built; first you develop the strategy then implement by developing a targeted Webpage focused on your targeted keywords.
Step 1 – Keyword Research
Develop a targeted keyword list. Once you develop your targeted keyword list you need to use a keyword research tool to research how often these terms are being searched and will also give you other suggestions of keywords that you may want to target. There are plenty of free tools available, just do a search on any major search engine for keyword research tool.
Step 2 – Content Development
Build individual WebPages that target the better performing keywords on your list. The content of the Webpage should target the keyword phrase you chosen for that Webpage, mentioned three to five times within the page copy. It is also very beneficial to title the page using your chosen keyword phrase inside of a H1 style tag. This will tell Google and the other major search engines that the chosen keyword phrase is what the Webpage is focused.
Your Meta content which includes your Meta title, Meta description and Meta keywords should focus on the targeted keyword phrase. Your Meta title and Meta description is what will appear on the search results page. Both needs to include your targeted keyword phrase. It is usually best to mention your targeted keyword or keyword phrase twice in your Meta title. For example “Philadelphia Bankruptcy Lawyer – Bankruptcy Lawyer in Philadelphia”.
Step 3 – Linking
In order to maximize your chances of receiving high search engine rankings for the targeted keyword phrases you have chosen to target, you need to have both internal links pointing to this page and external links pointing to this Webpage. The internal link should come from your homepage and any other page that Google has indexed. The name of the link should be the targeted keyword phrase if possible, such as “Bankruptcy Lawyer”.
It will be very beneficial to gain external links pointing to the specific Webpage that you are targeting. This is referred to as deep linking. You can submit this deep link to some directories that allow deep linking. Some directories only allow you to link to your homepage or will charge a fee for a deep link. It may be worth $5 for this deep link. Make sure that the name of the link is descriptive and uses your targeted keyword phrase; “Bankruptcy Lawyer in Philadelphia”.
You also need to develop external content in the form of articles and press releases. Write value added articles focusing on the keyword phrases that you are targeting. These articles should not promote your business or Website or the article directory will not accept the article. It is very important to write an article that brings value to the person reading it. You can add some direct deep links within the article pointing to your targeted Webpage. It is important that the link names are keyword driven. If you are writing an article on bankruptcy law, you can add a link within the article to your Webpage using a keyword phrases such as “bankruptcy law” or “bankruptcy lawyer”.
Each article directory has its own rules when it comes to how many links you can add to an article. Some allow zero link backs, while other article directories will allow three or more link backs. All article directories will allow you to link to your Webpage from a resource area below the content of the article. Make sure the link name is keyword driven “Philadelphia Bankruptcy Lawyer”. It is typically free to submit your article to article hubs. Do a search for top article hubs or top article directories to find a list to submit your articles.
It is also very beneficial to write a press release focusing on the keyword phrases you are targeting. You will need to hire a company to send out your press release to the appropriate News Websites such as Yahoo and Google news. There will be a fee for this service which varies greatly between press release submission services, depending on many variables. You should research your choices and go with what will work best for your business.
Article written by Jason Lomberg, the SEO strategist for Philly Marketing Labs
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