This New Year Celebration we placed some large posters in our living room for friends and family to record their resolutions. My wife insisted on providing the option of calling them hopes, dreams, plans... which made the exercise a lot less threatening to people.
Below I've grouped the resolutions by ages and gender (Male or Female). Its fun to hear the different inner voices calling out in these messages... and how they change over the ages.
Do any of these look like your hopes, dreams or plans for 2007?
Do well on math test - M, Age 7
Get a cell phone - F, Age 10
Never be mean to my sister - F, Age 10
Take my dog on more walks - F, Age 10
Share more of my chocolate - F, Age 10
Become a better writer - F, Age 10
Be more patient - F, Age 10
Practice my musical instruments more - F, Age 10
Save more money - F, Age 10
Study more for tests - F, Age 10
Keep track of my stuff better - F, Age 10
Take more chances - F, Age 10
Have an opinion! - F, Age 10
Make more friends - F, Age 10
Be a cool person - M, Age 12
More skiing and golfing - M, Age 12
Stay fly - M, Age 13
To be more socially adept, less nerdy - F, Age 17
Follow through on ideas and be more dedicated to work - F, Age 17
Improve my relationship with my boss - M, 34
Focus on the science instead of the environment at work - M, 34
Intentionally choose how I react to annoying situations - F, 40
Turn in expense reports on time! - M, 40
Stop worrying about weight - M, 40
Smile and laugh more - M, 40
Take more time to be with old friends - F, Age 45
Connect to action - M, Age 45
Ask good questions - M, Age 45
Stop seeking validation (other's approval) - M, Age 45
Assign a quotient to the eliptical theorem - M, Age 45
Write and try and sell my work - F, Age 48
Open a new business - F, Age 48
Be a kind person - F, Age 48
Find a date/boyfriend who is:
1) upright
2) breathing
3) opposable thumbs
4) employed - F, Age 50
To be more wholly who I am - F, Age 50
Happy 2007!
- Skip
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